MUSE Consortium


website + brand design + illustration


What are the essential attributes of life, and how do they shape our search for life on other worlds?

This NASA Interdisciplinary Consortium for Astrobiology Research seeks to answer these questions, and more! MUSE explores the natural selection of chemical elements during the coevolution of life and the environment on Earth. They study key biological innovations that happened throughout Earth’s history and assess their significance in our search for life in the universe.

We worked with the Director of MUSE, Dr. Betül Kaçar, to design a new brand and website for MUSE that captured her passion for Earth and space. We wanted a brand that was bold, compelling, and adventurous, just like Dr. Kaçar, and to translate that into a memorable digital experience that engaged their audience.

Want to see the designs in action? Let’s dive in!


home page





bold, adventurous, and exciting

MUSE is an interdisciplinary consortium for astrobiology research, tackling fundamental questions about life’s origins on Earth. The inspiration for the brand is a mix of space and biology, as well the processes that connect the two. We wanted this brand to evoke a sense of awe, wonder, and discovery.

custom animations

We created custom animations that blend the lines between scales of organization - are they cells or are they galaxies? Is it DNA or planets in a solar system?

Images that blur the line between terrestrial and planetary surfaces

Logo designs

Screen Shot 2021-09-09 at 11.01.01 PM.png

are you in need of a brand & website that attracts an audience?